Carlo Calenda – with a previous experience as a deputy Minister in charge of international trade, former Italian representative to the EU, other than former executive at Confindustria (Italian Association of Enterprises) – has a clear idea about actions to carry out in order to encourage economic recovery in Italy. “First step is to reorganise Ministry for the Economic Development from the inside – pointed out Calenda – deciding what is necessary and what is not. Within September I will propose an “Industrial Plan” for the Ministry itself, with the purpose of “defoliating” the too much wide range of industrial policies as well as incentives”. For instance, in Calenda opinion, incentives for start-up are too copious compared to the numbers of enterprises in incubation. At the same time, “old-fashioned” industrial policies in the past generated “monsters” (in Calenda words) so now is necessary to think above all about “horizontal measures”. Second priority for newly appointed Minister Calenda is to support Italian export. “One interesting tool could be the so-called “voucher for exporting manager” – explains Calenda -, that is a temporary and dedicated support by international major consulting companies towards Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) export-oriented but not big enough to build in-house such a service”. Consulting companies can play a double role: in one hand arranging suitable business plan for SME development, in the other preparing a financial plan and at the same time putting SME in contact with investors. “Half of Italian companies are attractive for foreign investors – closes Calenda – since they are a bit in trouble but their product are still good, we can help them in international scouting”.
Innocenzo Cipolletta agrees with Calenda analysis as well as recipe. “If Italy was just the North of the country – outlines Cipolletta - maybe we have already overtaken the crisis. One of main problem of Italian economy is to be “banking-centred” and unfortunately the “quantitative easing” by central banker Mario Draghi did not produced the expected effects (more credit for enterprises). Yet, in Italy (as pointed out yesterday Enrico Moretti) we still miss a real venture capitalism”. Finally, Cipolletta submits a couple of ideas too. Developing anti-seismic technology in building could generate a double effect: put in safety our houses (since Italian territory is almost entirely seismic) and at the same time re-launching one of the most suffering industrial sector, that is construction. And concerning reorganisation of Calenda’s Ministry, Cippolletta suggest “from back-office to front-office”. In few words, the Ministry for Economic Development as an information/help desk for enterprises.
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