Lunedì, 06 Giugno 2016

A sight on the future of global economy with Nobel Prize Michael Spence

“Grand finale” at the Trento Economics Festival with the 2001 Nobel Prize for Economics Michael Spence. Should we truly expect a long period of low rate economic growth all over the world? What are the perspectives for US, Europe, China, India and emerging countries? Can technology save...

Domenica, 05 Giugno 2016

The 11th edition of Trento Economics Festival closes its door

After a four days brainstorming on economics, mainly focused on the issue “where economic growth works”, it is time for a balance. In Trento people of the Festival attended 111 meeting animated by 237 speakers coming from all over the world. To be mentioned, one Nobel Prize for Economics...

Domenica, 05 Giugno 2016

Cities and their potential to answer the humanitarian crisis

The Institute for New Technology’s lecture at the Trento Economics Festival featured Paul Romer, professor of economics at NYU’s Stern School of Business. Romer was livestreamed to Trento to discuss the transformative role cities could play in turning the humanitarian crisis into an...

Domenica, 05 Giugno 2016

Growth without employment: are web and robot stealing our job?

Information technology and hi-tech application reshaped the job market. Machinery first substituted “blue-collar” workers, now the web is doing the same with “white-collar” ones. What about tomorrow? A debate on growth without employment - sparking from the book “At your place. How...

Domenica, 05 Giugno 2016

Smart Cities in the Age of Digital Revolution

Contributing Editor at The New republic, Evgeny Morozov, questions the agenda behind smart cities during the 11th edition of Trento Economics Festival, "Where growth takes place". Addressing how authorities can better control companies, such as Airbnb and Google, he emphasizes the...

Domenica, 05 Giugno 2016

Can constitutional reforms encourage growth? Italian Minister Maria Elena Boschi thinks so

After a long time of inactivity at constitutional level, Italian government started a deep change within republican institution. The two main courses are the Senate reshaping law (from an elective chamber of 315 members to a 100 of local governments representatives one) and the new polling...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

Uber and the Sharing Economy: a new opportunity for Europe

In Trento for the Economics Festival, University of Princeton professor of economics, Alan Krueger, discussed the effects of popular web apps such as Uber and Grubhub on the traditional labor market. The sharing economy, what Kruger calls the “gig economy,” has been on the rise in the...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

Italian Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan 360° view of Italian economy

Is Italian economy recovering? Which kind of tax cuts are planned to re-launch economy? Why Italian debt does not decrease? What is happening to Italian banking system? Reforms as Jobs Act are working? These are just a couple of crossfire questions - from Regina Krieger (Handelsblatt) and...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

Developing Cities' Potential for Livability and Productivity

Oxford Economics Professor, Tony Venables, has a special interest in spatial, development, and resource economics- all that encompass the collateral behind developing cities. Cities in the developing word offer the potential to drive economic growth and offer decent living conditions, but...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

Chetty: Exploring the causes of life expectancy variation in the US

Raj Chetty, professor of Economics at Stanford University, was in Trento at the Economics Festival to discuss the variation in life longevity and income in cities across the United States. Chetty’s research sought to explain the relationship between income and life expectancy. It is well...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

An European Finance Minister: an opportunity or utopia?

Would an European Minister of Finance be able to take economic and monetary union out of the deadlock in which it finds itself, stimulate structural reforms and reinforce the contribution of national budgetary policy to the growth of the area? Does such a Minister need his own budget or a...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

A review of crisis scenarios by the Italian Foreign Affairs Minister Paolo Gentiloni

Italy has to face a wide range of crisis scenarios. The most challenging is of course the refugees and immigrants flow form southern costs of the Mediterranean, particularly from a Libya divided into tribal conflict. The exodus of refugees and immigrants is putting in evidence contradictions...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

All you need to know about “Panama Papers” and “tax havens” by Vincenzo Visco

The diffusion of the so-called “Panama Papers” put on international fame the issue of off-shore “tax havens”, used both by wealthy people or corporations. What is the role of such a “paradises” within the international finance system? What way they can be fought? Vincenzo Visco,...

Sabato, 04 Giugno 2016

The map of corruption in Italy explained by Raffaele Cantone

Corruption is widespread throughout Italy and represents one of the greatest obstacles to its growth, not only in civil terms but also in social and economic ones. Identifying the areas most exposed to corruption – with specific relation to different regional features – and drafting an...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

The Atlante file: can a fund financed by banks save Italian banks themselves?

Atlante is a fund almost entirely financed by banks in charge of recovering deteriorate loans of Italian banking system. The mission of Atlante is to create an efficient market of deteriorate loans owned by Italian banks, but the trouble is that banks themselves are main investors in the...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

Massimo Gaggi journey through hi-tech districts supporting economic growth in the US

Hi-tech districts in the US are going beyond the “traditional” areas of West Coast and New York: new districts are emerging all over the country, from Portland - nicknamed “the city of engineers” – to Seattle, from the spin-offs of major universities in Austin to the design...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

How Botero can defeat Pablo Escobar

An event organised by Training Centre for International Cooperation on the social transformations that changed the face of Medellin regarding the peace process that is involving Colombia, where the longest internal conflict of the last centuries is still ongoing. In a context where the peace...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

Minister Carlo Calenda recipe to re-launch Italian economy

Crisis has designed in Italy a variegated situation, with light and shadow, and reading data about the economic situation of our country it seems not easy at all. Exports are doing good, industrial production is going down, Italy is divided between North and South (and southern territories...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

How to push economic growth through local level policies

Italy is experimenting an increasing gap between North and South, and it is not only a matter of geographical distance but also of dissimilar level in per capita GDP as well as of different approach in affording and overtaking the crisis. In a moment in which local bodies are demanding more...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

The experience of the city of culture: paths of change between past and future

Over one hundred people attended this morning the meeting "The experience of the City of Culture" organized by the OECD LEED Trento Centre for the eleventh edition of the Economics Festival. Cultural interventions can be a stimulus for social change and economic growth: key factors...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

Re-inventing public spaces, a lesson by Mario Botta and Vittorio Gregotti

On Thursday June 2nd at the Teatro Sociale two internationally well-known archistars discussed about how re-invent public space, matching creativity with urban as well as market rules. Mario Botta, with more than fifty years of work experience, proposes an architecture - “Le...

Venerdì, 03 Giugno 2016

The Trento Economics Festival opening session in the historical Piazza Duomo

At the 11th edition of the Trento Economics Festival a new format “open air” for the opening session: Piazza Duomo, aside the historical location of the Trento Council in XVI century. Wishing best luck to the four days of debate on economics Alessandro Andreatta (mayor of Trento) and Ugo...

Giovedì, 02 Giugno 2016

Investigating “new geography of labour market” with Enrico Moretti and Tito Boeri

The post-industrial economy, based on know-how and innovation, is deeply changing labour market, due to new consumer goods as well as how and where they are produced. This main trend is creating huge geographical disparity between different regions and cities around the world. At the same...

Mercoledì, 01 Giugno 2016

Trento Economics Festival starts tomorrow

An intense four days brainstorming on economics starts tomorrow in Trento on the shore of the Adige river and at the slope of Alps mountains. Debate on the main issue of the 11th edition of Trento Economics Festival - “where economic growth works” - will involve economists, politicians,...

Giovedì, 05 Maggio 2016

Trento Festival of Economics: the Street Festival

As usual the Festival overcomes the conference halls. Thanks to many initiatives and events it gets into the streets and squares of Trento. It is where the party takes place involving the festival’s community.

Giovedì, 05 Maggio 2016

Trento Festival of Economics 2016: from the 2nd to the 5th of June Trento hosts the new edition of its festival

“World’s economic geography suggests economic growth is increasingly concentrated in relatively few large cities capable of attracting human capital and of driving innovation. The economic hierarchy not only of countries, but also of cities, has undergone profound change and is in...
