Domenica, 05 Giugno 2016 - 15:25 Comunicato 1234

Can constitutional reforms encourage growth? Italian Minister Maria Elena Boschi thinks so

After a long time of inactivity at constitutional level, Italian government started a deep change within republican institution. The two main courses are the Senate reshaping law (from an elective chamber of 315 members to a 100 of local governments representatives one) and the new polling law (the so-called “Italicum” that foresees a wide majority prize in the lower Chamber for the party exceeding 40% at the first electoral turn or - in alternative - winning the second ballot). Italian Constitutional Reforms Minister Maria Elena Boschi explains main features and purpose of the project, supported by Michele Ainis, constitutionalist and professor at the University of Rome III, and Roberto D’Alimonte, expert of polling system and professor at Luiss – Guido Carli University in Rome.

“Reforms that Italian government is carrying on – describes Boschi - have a double goal: in one hand is a way for ensuring guarantee of government, in the other aims to simplify law-making process within the Italian Parliament”. “Criticism about reforms outlines that there is a risk of too much power concentration – states Pierangelo Giovanetti, editor in chief of local newspaper “L’Adige” – a risk of only one man commanding”. Minister Boschi disagrees: “Last seventy years in Italy we had 63 different government, it is an anomaly to abolish, we need a stable and representative government without “grosse koalition” or “technocrats” as well”.

And what happens if the Referendum on constitutional reforms (the date of October 2nd is not yet confirmed but remains likely) will be won by the the No-reforms front? “A total chaos – foresees professor D’Alimonte, one of the father of “Italicum” -, Prime Minister Renzi (according to him) will resign, no parliamentary majority will bring to new elections with two different electoral rules for each branch of the Parliament and as a consequence any certain government to be appointed. A scenario worse than Brexit”.

Concerning Referendum campaign (started a bit too early) there is not the danger that a four months long propaganda could bother Italian electors, already disaffected by politics? “Italian people should recover a role of active citizenship – points out professor Aines – as for instance happened in 1946 with the choice between Kingdom and Republic. At the same time Referendum will be an opportunity for many people to re-study our Constitution charter”.   

A final word on self-government in Trentino. “Autonomy of some Italian region or province, as Trentino, - closes Boschi – will not be touched, on the contrary it will be valorised by the Seante of Autonomies”. With a sigh of relief by governor Ugo Rossi.          


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