“Migration is a phenomenon that can be managed during emergency – outlines Gentiloni – and in a long run period could be even turned from a threat into an opportunity for Italy as well”. Nevertheless, refugees crisis is not any more just a regional trouble, competing to Europe only, but is becoming more and more worldwide. As an example, Gentiloni quotes the Canadian initiative to guest some 45.000 refugees from Syria and the series of “pledging conference” in charge of rising fund destined to support people escaping war theatres, with donors come from every corner of the world.
Yet, Gentiloni does not agree with “classification” of refugees. “There are not A series and B series refugees – argues Italian Minister – and even among the so called “economic immigrants” we have to do correct thought: if an immigrant is coming from a place where there is not officially a declared war, it does not mean that he escapes from a situation of deep disadvantage, to use an euphemism”. Moreover, according to a study mentioned by Gentiloni, in a near future it would suddenly appear a wave of immigrant “created” by climate change too.
Concerning Libya, Gentiloni wishes a united country with an united government, even if he knows is not easily practicable. “Both for Libya or Syria we cannot rethink borders - points out Gentiloni – and to bring peace there it may take a long time yet”. Quoting president Obama, Gentiloni adds: “in the past danger comes from evil states, now it comes from failed states”. In Gentiloni vision, Italy with its cultural and economic influence together with its “soft power” diplomacy can play an extraordinary role in multilateral policies.
A final thought is dedicated to the so-called “migration-compact”, a package of measures destined to push growth in countries where immigrants leave from, in particular sub-Saharan Africa. “Seven out of ten of fastest growing economies in the world are African country – closes Gentiloni – and that means there is a huge potential to exploit in the Black Continent. Is up to us to help them in finding their suitable way of sustainable development”.
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