Giovedì, 02 Aprile 2020 - 17:24 Comunicato 696

Yesterday, 97 new infected. Incoming masks

9 deaths, 97 new infected, of which 96 were tested through swab, and 7 recovered people. These are the data recorded yesterday in Trentino in relation to the Coronavirus emergency. The total number of deaths raises to 173 and that of people infected to 2671. Of these 1,448 are home-treated, 75 are in intensive care, the remaining are in hospitals and nursing homes. Lastly, 214 people recovered. The President of the Province Maurizio Fugatti then announced the arrival of a million masks, that will be distributed in the coming days in all the municipalities of Trentino through the help of the fire brigade. The masks will be used above all for the future reopening of the activities phase, to avoid the re-spreading of the infection. Further information are provided calling the toll-free number 800 867 388.

“The problem of the masks - clarified also the director of the APSS, Paolo Bordon - is being solved. We have about 800 thousand masks in stock, a supply that lets us remain relatively calm, considered that there are many more coming, thanks to the Civil Protection and to other private partners."

President Fugatti also announced two new initiatives put in place by the Province. The first one is a web platform that allows all companies able to perform home deliveries to give visibility to their business, in order not to completely stop their activity. The project was called "Consegnointrentino". The other, concerns those economic categories, which from today until 31 December 2020 will be able to apply for government incentives through a dedicated online platform, called "Ripresatrentino".

Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria

