Giovedì, 19 Marzo 2020 - 11:47 Comunicato 569

Today the presentation of the bill to support the economy and the job's world
Wednesday 18 March: Coronavirus, 719 infected people

In Trentino there were yesterday - Wednesday 18 March - a total of 719 cases of contagion from Coronavirus. Of these cases, 463 concern people who were tested through the swab, while the other 256 had contact with people who tested positive and exhibited the symptoms of the virus, but were not subjected to the swab. 391 people are being treated at home, of which 134 in retirement homes; 139 are hospitalized in the infectious disease wards, 22 in intensive care. 12 people recovered.

There is also good news: the underage boy that contracted the virus and was hospitalized on Tuesday in critical condition, is feeling better. It was also announced that the Trentino health facilities will welcome two patients from Bergamo, a man and a woman. The province of Bergamo, as is well known, is experiencing an extremely difficult situation.
The supermarkets of Trentino accepted the invitation of the provincial government to close on Sunday.
Finally, today the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti presents to the Provincial Council the bill containing, among other things, important measures to support the world of economy and employment, that were harly hit by the epidemic.

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Traduzione a cura di: Opera Universitaria di Trento.

