Giovedì, 19 Marzo 2020 - 11:41 Comunicato 567

On the website news and updated
Tuesday 17 March: Coronavirus, 591 infections

Tuesday 17 March - In Trentino there were a total of 591 infections. The expectation is that the number will continue to grow at least until Sunday. After this, the first effects of the containment measures adopted throughout the national territory are expected, in particular those concerning the limitation of unnecessary movements.

The message of the President of the Autonomous Province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti, also shared by the director of the Provincial Company for Health Services Paolo Bordon, is clear: stay home. The only movements allowed are for reasons of work, health (own or family members) or for grocery shopping. In Trentino, at the moment, there are 316 beds available for the
management of the current emergency in the various health facilities in the area. As of yesterday, 132 were occupied, 30 more than on Monday. Other updates will be provided as usual during the press conference at 5.30pm, visible in streaming on the Province's Facebook page. The trecovid19 web app, designed by the Trentinosalute 4.0 team, thanks to an agreement between the Province, Apss and Fbk is also very successful. It is possible to access it by clicking on   to consult an impressive amount of data, updates and more.

Traduzione a cura di: Opera Universitaria di Trento.

