Mercoledì, 29 Aprile 2020 - 10:37 Comunicato 897

Starting today it is allowed to walk and run within one's Municipality

Yesterday 31 new Covid-19 infections were recorded in Trentino, of which 6 in nursing homes. There were 5 deaths, all within RSA. 22 people are in ICU. 677 swabs were administered. The percentage of positives is 4.5% and it is decreasing, just as the number of people infected in nursing homes.
Concerning the swabs, the intention is to administer them to new categories, from law enforcement to firefighters (the first 30 will be administered today), to the managers and employees of the food sector, which has stayed open even in the most acute phase of the pandemic.

The President of the Province Maurizio Fugatti - also after discussing with other mayors - has signed a new ordinance, which establishes that from today - Wednesday 29 April - physical activities are allowed to be carried out, that is, walks and races on foot, in the territory of one's own Municipality, keeping the distance of at least 2 meters from other people for sports and at least one meter in the case of walks. Minors can be accompanied by parents or by persons belonging to the family unit. The use of the mask is mandatory when meeting other people. The activity must take a reasonable amount of time and cannot be continued throughout the day.
Also from today purchasing take away food is allowed at restaurants, pizzerias and other establishments that provide for it. Customers must call and make an appointment to collect the food, which must be eaten at home, so as not to create gatherings outside or near the restaurant.
The bookstores will open from May 4th.
"We will be extremely cautious with the openings - assured Fugatti - especially because of the high percentage of infections registered, as known, in our territory".
It is possible, however, that in Trentino other activities may open soon - for example restaurants, bars, hairdressers, beauticians - ahead of the schedule decided at national level.

All the news on the press website of the autonomous province of Trento: 

Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria

