Domenica, 12 Aprile 2020 - 10:23 Comunicato 777

People infected are decreasing. Happy Easter of hope

145 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded yesterday in Trentino, of which 79 are in nursing homes. 9 deaths were recorded. 1703 the swabs were administered, a relevant number - the target that the Province had set itself was between 1500 and 2000 tampons per day. The target has therefore been achieved, thanks to the University and research centers of Trentino - this clearly explains the increase in the number of infected people identified.- “In proportion to the swabs administered - said the president Maurizio Fugatti - the number of infections is still decreasing, and this is positive. Currently, there are 62 people in intensive care. This number is declining as well ".

On an economic level, there is number of re-openings scheduled. As communicated yesterday by the Government, various areas and industries will reopen starting from Tuesday, including the wood one.  “For our part - continued Fugatti - we acknowledged these decisions and we are preparing to implement the ordinance. At the same time, however, we want to look forward, towards a gradual reopening of the Trentino system as a whole, obviously conditioned by compliance with certain rules. We are therefore working to restore production activities, starting from the outdoor ones. Though we aee aware that nothing will be as before”.

The health councilor Stefania Segnana has invited the population of Trentino not to call 112, which must remain reserved for reporting emergencies, in case you want information on the delivery of the masks. The masks are coming, distribution will continue on Easter and Easter Monday as well, the number of packaged "pieces" is 1,450,400.

Happy Easter of hope to all, see you on Tuesday.

Traduzione a cura di Opera Universitaria

