"There was a failure to see that pensions depend considerably on the labour market”, she commented. “Pensions and retirement are the follow-up to working activities and even before these of training. It is a colossal falsehood”, she added “that I wanted to privatise pensions. In Europe and Italy pensions must be public, but based on healthy foundations, with a suitable and sustainable system. We will not solve young people’s problems with the promise of a future pension 40 years later. The route to take must be jobs, training and education. “The pension scheme must also be insurance-based in the public sector”, Elsa Fornero added “but with redistribution in favour of weaker categories, supported by the tax system. Reforms never spring forth perfect”, she added “they are processes that can be corrected. There must however be a plan, in order to make the system suitable and sustainable.
"Promising to reintroduce the seniority pension system was a banner used for the elections”, she concluded “a poor alternative for debate; a marked return to the era in which decisions about pensions were taken separately, without questioning whether they were linked to what was happening to the economy and society. We will suffer the consequences"
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