The afternoon followed in the footsteps of the morning, with several Ministers taking the floor. The afternoon began with Paolo Zangrillo, the Minister of Public Administration, speaking about: “Public administration and the digital revolution”. The event, taking place at the Teatro Sociale, saw the minister highlighting how the public administration needs a change in attracting new talents and modernising its internal organisation.
Afterwards, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, Minister for Institutional Reforms and Regulatory Simplification, debated “Regulatory simplification and presidentialism as levers for Italian growth” in Sala Depero at Palazzo della Provincia. During her speech, she told: "We are born into bureaucracy. We must take care of five different administrative documents from the moment we enter the world. We are not talking about those who want to start a business. To open a bar requires 72 official documents from 26 different offices. Our job is to change this situation, make life easier for citizens, and attract investment from abroad, too”.
Then Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister of Economy and Finance, dealt with “Economic growth is the only solution to public debt”. In the Minister’s words, “Our financial goals are those that respond to European rules. Italy’s debt was created to confront external shocks. We will guarantee everything that depends on us in the long run, but wars and pandemics do not. I do not want to mention numbers, but I hope for GDP growth of 1.1 or 1.2. Looking at the German economy, I see a recession there. Here, tourism and services provide us with a moderately optimistic perspective”.
The last events of the afternoon included topics such as justice and immigration policies. Carlo Nordio, Minister of Justice from Palazzo della Regione Autonoma Trentino Alto Adige, dealt with “The judicial system I want”. In the years, reforms of the Italian judicial system have been at the core of several debates at a national level. Lastly, Matteo Piantedosi, Minister of the Interior from Sala Depero in Palazzo della Provincia, debated “The change we need in immigration policies”—a disputed topic in today’s international agenda, bringing exciting reflections.
And yet the second day of the Trento Festival of Economics does not end here: two events will occur in the evening. On the one hand, at 7.15 pm, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of Environment and Energy Security, will speak from Palazzo della Regione Autonoma Trentino Alto Adige about “Italy and the energy transition”. On the other hand, at 8.30 pm Alessandra Locatelli, Minister of Disabilities, will hold a speech from Sala Depero in Palazzo della Provincia about “Life project, inclusion and work: new perspectives, valuing people and the role of the Third Sector”. Events are free, but participants need to register.
The program of the four-day Festival is available at the festivaleconomia.it website, where all events and speakers are published.
At this link, information on facilities for travelling and staying in Trento during the days of the Festival is available.
Accreditation for journalists, photographers and videographers needs to be asked through the form: https://www.festivaleconomia.it/en/stampa/accredito-stampa